I discovered his writings when I was researching authors for a college English assignment in 2011. I connected with his writings because I like nature, poems, hymns, music, spiritual insights, and religion. During that time of my research it was very difficult to find information on him and his works. An example of a common problem to research him was that his more famous brother Henry Wadsworth Longfellow kept coming up instead. On a internet search I could only begin to find Samuel after at least page 10 in the search results. I privately brag to my family that the internet has gotten smarter and/or Samuel has gotten popular because of all my searching and my work. Now, if you search for Samuel Longfellow he comes up on page one.
Anyway, in my studies I discovered that Samuel Longfellow went to school to become a reverend and most of his writings were religious hymns. He was a religious man and a good poet but his poems were not fully accepted beyond hymns because of the political implications his beliefs represented.
In this class after we submitted our research paper, we were asked to create a child's storybook as our final in class assignment. Take a look and tell me your thoughts in the comments box.