I'm still learning the hard way about some things. Yesterday, after I submitted my blog post to publish and clicked a button to share my post with my social media accounts my entire post that I had been working on just disappeared!?! I was NOT happy! So I contacted my customer service group and am still waiting for them to respond. I saved the post within my Weebly editing blog section but after I click the "publish" button the program automatically takes the saved post out of my view and access.
So this time my lesson learned is to save my blog post text in a secondary place on my computer so I hopefully won't loose all my work again. It sure would be nice if I hear back from them that they can find it and retrieve my post. I'm crossing my fingers. February 26th quote is: "A train of thought is a good thing it if is going somewhere."
I'm not sure if the "it if" is just a simple typo from the person who typed these up or if it was done with a purpose to make the reader think more about following through with our thoughts. either way, it was fun setting up the train track and trains for this photo. February 24 - A snowflake is one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together.
February 23 - The people who object to rules are people who don't obey them. Which do you like to do more: draw a line with a ruler or freehand draw your lines? Are there any rules that you are grateful that most people obey?
February 25 - The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example. First Great Gifts I can't help but to distinguish some things that I consider to be in the category of "The first great gift" (s). There may or may not be some slight changes from my list compared to what others might consider to fit in this category but that's okay. My "first great gift" (s) would be: 1.) My Agency 2.) A Plan of Salvation 3.) Life 4.) A Savior, Jesus Christ 5.) Creation of a Nation which Acknowledges Freedoms & God Given Rights 6.) Restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through Joseph Smith 7.) Obedience . . . and then with that reflection I could list this quote next as 8.) Good Examples. Random Great GiftsI don't remember what my first birthday present was and I have forgotten about many other gifts given to be for my birthday or for Christmas over the years. At the time of anticipation of opening those presents - to opening them, I remember feeling happy and cared for each time I got a present. One random great gift given to me is the gift of marriage to my great husband. He's my best friend and what makes our union one of my best random gifts ever is that it is a daily gift we give to each other, working together, sharing, serving, and building our relationship. It's a gift that I happily re-gift back to him. My birthday is near the holiday Mother's Day so over the years since I've had children I often have the opportunity to pull our funds for some cool and meaningful gifts. Also, something my husband and I have done is to save up funds for a big project to purchase the materials for our anniversary gift to each other which also includes labor of building it. When we do this it is always a great gift because I know my husband loved me enough to work with me or on his own to build and create something manually with heavy labor. I'll share a list of some of these gifts in hopes to inspire one of my readers. You may copy some of our great gifts if you think that they'll be received as great gifts too. Be warned, I do have a very practical sense about things and a few people might be offended to get some of these not-so-romantic gifts as some of these. Here are some of my other random great gifts: - 100 pink tulips (Sadly, they have all died due to many various reasons including: two dogs, children with grass killer, growing trees and our family curse of a non green thumb.) - extra long raised garden bed (The remains of this too is almost all gone since our trees grew and shaded it so we had to find and create a new gardening spot in our yard.) - a large food dehydrator - timely kitchen appliances after the predecessor gave up it's ghost due to overuse or misuse within the family - a white dress to wear inside the temple (I reluctantly made my husband sad about this because my young skinny proud self didn't like the style. At that time I felt that I looked like I was wearing a large tent when I put it on me. I still can't stand that style even though I've grown now that I could wear it. No one should have to or ever wear that tent style. It is not becoming to anyone! It should be taken off the market and the patterns burned within the memory of all people to never be created again. Can you sense that I have some strong opinions about this? Well, we arranged for his mom to help sew a replacement white dress with a classical style that fit me.) - multiple picture frames and pictures to decorate the house - an all american galvanized swing set with room for 4 swings, 1 toddler safety bucket swing, 1 set of hand rings or bar, 1 slide, 1 wooden deck with canopy, and 1 monkey bar ladders connecting it all together ! ! ! (The instructions said something like, needs at least 3 men to build. My husband isn't big on complying or reading all of the instructions. He read these well with the exception that e did it with just the two of us and he misunderstood a step or two. We only had one scary moment, or shall I say I was scared only once, when my husband had to undue a step so I had to hold and keep standing the ten foot gigantic structure all by myself as he fixed it. It's still standing and going strong. I told my husband after our first swing set died that I'd like to get a real swing set that all of my children can use at the same time and not have to take turns swinging like they do when we visit the park.I asked for it and he willing gave it.) - other perennial plants - Christmas set of Caroling Figurines (This was one of a very few spontaneous purchases we ever bought. While we were shopping some time before December we saw it and I fell in love. We HAD to buy it! I still have it and decorate my whole upstairs rooms with them for every Christmas. It's one of my personal possessions that I can't help but to love and cherish.) - lunch or dinner with my husband and a trip to a L.D.S. temple - collectible porcelain baby doll advent calendar (This gift took all of my birthday & mother's day funds plus some more to just get the calendar and first doll. Then within the year I was able to purchase the remaining 11 dolls. Each baby doll is in dress up clothes for the different months and holidays and the calendar has movable white tiles to adjust the different months. It also has holiday tiles too. All of them are proudly on display for my pleasure.) Spiritual GiftsYears ago I had the opportunity to teach a lesson on spiritual gifts listed in the scriptures. During the few months before I was asked to give this lesson, a few people expressed to me that they didn't feel like they had very many talents or that they suffer from minor depression once in a while. This made me want to create a tangible handout to give out during the lesson so that those attending may have something to take home and keep to boost them up on those not-so-good-days. I have since shared these with family members on our not-so-good-days in quiet one on one times with my children, and during other lessons, and with other close friends when needed. I believe that everyone has been given at least one great spiritual gift. I like helping people so I can't help but to want to help everyone see and feel that they too are special and do have talents and spiritual gifts. This spiritual gift & talents worksheet was made as a private worksheet that someone can fill out and store to give them a boost on a hoe-hum rainy day. I hope you enjoy using it too. Please print and share this to boost yourself and others. Do you remember those first days of school each year or do you remember your first day on a job? You walk into the building and/or classroom and before you are lots of people you have never seen before. Hopefully you were able to get to know some of the people there and become more than classmates or coworkers. During those times or even now have you ever wanted to be popular. Was one of your reason to be popular because you hoped that some of your problems will go away if you weren't accepted? For various reasons I sometimes find it hard to relate with people. Three major reasons why I am slower to relate are: I'm a introvert and a fraternal twin and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In regards to meeting people, as a introvert and a twin I always had the luxury of knowing I always had someone close by whether she was standing next to me or near by in the building. If I met people or not I'd always have her but for the most part having her in the background took away any anxiety that I might of had. Also, I didn't have to work hard to meet people because my uniqueness as a twin drew enough attention. Now I'm not saying that I ever was in a popular group - I wasn't, and I tend to lean toward being on the sidelines. When I find myself alone I'm usually okay with that and am content during the times I'm alone. My sister and I were rarely in the same classes but I knew she was somewhere in the building or later during our college days she was in the dorm next door. I found that good enough. With these and the peace of mind & conviction of my faith I was/am pleased to not be in the majority.
I recognize that these attributes have both defined and protected me. Since I didn't care to be accepted or defined by the popular crowd I didn't/don't relying on copying others or find myself in extra mischief following the popular crowd. Today's' quote of the day made me think. "February 21 - Are you part of the inn crowd or are you one of the stable few?" These are some of my thoughts to this quote: Popularity and Inn crowds are not innately bad. They are only bad if you find yourself losing your compass for staying on the right path. If being part of that crowd robes us of who we really are and our divine potential then we should think twice about who we are hanging around with. We should be trying to be reliable and true to ourselves. The quote infers that we can be included in and as "one of the stable few." So how do you find friends in a crowd? 1.) We will always have the reassurance of a brother, our Savior Jesus Christ, if we accept and follow Him. He loves and likes each of us. If you keep those thoughts in the front of your memory then you should always be able to know you are never alone. He will be with you. 2.) Accept and like who you are and be true to yourself. If you are doing something that you want to change or feel bad about then don't beat yourself up - pray & change. Don't jeopardize your happiness by going into a place or doing something that you know you'd be extremely uncomfortable about. 3.) If you want some extra friends don't sit in your rival team's side of the stadium in your teams full colors and gear -sit on your side! 4.) Smile. 5.) When someone asks you, "How you're doing?" ask right back, "How about you?" Then ask them another question in response to what they said. 6.) Don't expose yourself enough to get hurt but be willing to share. You'll then find yourself able to gently push your safety net away and be ready to leave the wall of wall flowers and go talk to more people. 7.) Repeat number five and six as much as you can - talk to people. 8.) Smile again and try to make someone else smile. You'll feel better if you do. I somehow manged to miss scheduling this posting for my February 17th quote on the 17th. So here it is . . . February 17 - Nature, like man, sometimes weeps for gladness. Crying and/or weeping no matter how you call it is good to clear up our emotions. I couldn't help myself to capture this cool moment of icicles that had formed in my son's thawing snow tunnel. Doesn't it look like nature weeping? So my question is: Are these icicles forming from nature's tears of joy or sadness?
February 20 - Kneeling keeps you in good standing with the Lord.
Humble prayers are sometimes uncomfortable but well worth our efforts. When I saw this picture frame at a thrift store I knew I wanted it and happily display it on my living room staircase wall for all to see. Just like it's words state, "Prayer - When life gets to be more than you can stand...kneel." Whether life is good or bad we can always benefit from the powers and blessings of a prayer. We even have the luxury to pray while we lay, sit, stand, or anyway we want but I find that when I am willing to get a little uncomfortable by kneeling on the ground, soft or hard, that I can be more humble and receptive in my prayers. February 19 -
Whenever you violate a principle, you get a short-term gain, but a long-term loss. Calculating principles & goals must also be done with other things beyond numbers. Sometimes a short-cut is just a short-cut but there are other times that it is not & we are robing from either ourselves or ourselves & others. Rules, boundaries, guidelines, and even commandments are most often given to protect us. Values such as integrity, respect, reliability, honesty, and obedience are meant to be pure and not mocked or slighted. As most parents & teachers would say, "think before you speak" or "think before you act." Think about what the effect will be or what the consequences will be toward your actions and as I say, "Be good," or "Play Nice!" Over the years I've found myself with different classmates, acquaintances, and friends. Of them I happily can say that, Yes, I've had some best friends. Sometimes sadly I felt alone or felt hurt or got in trouble, but during those times I discovered I always had at least good friend who could pick me up. That one who was always there any day any year was my Savior, Jesus Christ. He never walked away from me. As a tribute to all of those others, thank you: Jennifer, Joy, Laura, Shannon, Stacy, Kim, Julie, Teri, Sam, Lynn, Tiffany, Laura, Mat, Dave, John, Debra, Tassa, Joy, Noel, Tammy, Heather, Bonnie, Bobbie, Lori, Stacey, Janette, Brenda, Carol, Tamina, Linda, Julie, Doreen, Nadine, Jane, Susan, Heather, Samantha, Marilyn, Mary, and of course my lifetime best friend/husband - Charles. I am so blessed to been able to buddy up with so many good people over the years. This list is small compared to all of the other good people I've met but just didn't get enough time to increase our time to friend or best friend status. February 18 -
A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Here's my attempt in professional photography to capture my clown's two faces with a mirror. I feel proud to have only caught the image of my phone in the background which wasn't easy. It took several shots to keep me & the background of my living room out. I've always liked happy clowns. I didn't have an interest or watch horror shows so I didn't develop a fear of clowns or think they are creepy. The clown in this picture was a gift from an elementary school friend that I've kept all these years. It clips on anything with his hands and the head turns to show it's two faces - happy smiley face & sad frowny face. I couldn't help but think of him when I saw this quote. I didn't just want to show something sad like his sad frowny face because one can never be happy when they fight, argue, or quarrel - I wanted to be able to show this clowns happy face too. This quote has the meaning that it takes two people to quarrel but if at least one of those fighting searches for their smiley face, their good side to stop, then quarrels would stop faster.
I like reading these quotes and other motivational & spiritual boosters 'cause I need all the help I can to keep my pride in check. Oh, and when I finished taking this shot, I happily returned his smiley face to it's proper side - front and center. February 16 - Quarrels would not last long if the fault was only on one side. February 15 - The best way to destroy an enemy is to change him into a friend. Have you ever had someone hate you or try to hurt you? "Yes" you say, well me too. I believe everyone at one point in their lives have been hurt. We must all find a way to move on because life doesn't truly slow down or stop for anyone.
When I read this quote today my twisted "natural man" thoughts smiled at the possibility of "I'll show them," and "who needs them anyway." Then the influence of the Holy Ghost prompted this thought - PRAY. Then I remembered simultaneously two separate times when my family and I were hated, violated, and hurt. In both times we couldn't walk away or hide nor even safely or productively confront these people. The later of the two incidents we even had to involve the police. But not enough good or healing could be made until we began to access the power of the gift of the atonement through prayer. Through prayer I found strength to ask for a portion of Heavenly Father's love so that I too could feel love for this person and a desire to act kindly. These prayers were answered quickly but shortly afterward my time with this person ended with her moving. And through prayer I was able to ask for help not to hate or be bitter, to find protection, and be able to look at the other person in the eyes and not feel pain, disgust or even feel creepy. It took some time but I found success in these prayers - I wanted to forgive and I forgave. The thought or sight of him doesn't upset me and I feel pity for him. How can we destroy our enemies? Turn them into our friends. I know this is possible through the power of Christ's atonement for each of us. I'm sure it isn't easy. I didn't progress that far but found the ability to not hate or hurt and ended on neutral ground of not counting them as my enemy.
Bear Calendar Quote for February 14 -
He drew a circle that shut me out. Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win! We drew a circle that took him in. Valentine Basket - item # VIsn't this adorable teddy bear just begging to be loved & hugged? #pleasingiftbaskets Buy him in Rexburg at pleasingiftbaskets.com Valentine Basket - item # V141Express your love by giving your loved one this basket with our "love" & heart picture frame. Then your loved on can add their special photos. Anyone who gets this will enjoy the yummy candies & kisses and still have a gift to remember you by. Valentine Basket - item # V150A "Just Because" heart mug could just be what your looking for that practical special gift for your Valentine. Plus, you can never go wrong with Hersey's Kisses & heart conversation candies for Valentine's Day.
Here's my Valentine Basket for your sewing Valentine. Cute with bear, pink thread, candies, and "Love is the Thread that Binds us Together" block decoration. Your sewing Valentine will love this adorable unique gift. #cute #rexburg #byui #byuidaho #southeastidaho #gifts #giftbaskets #pleasingiftbaskets ![]() Gifts from the heart are sweetest when we can give one-of-a-kind gifts personalized for the one we care about. At Pleasin' Gift Baskets we care about creating each unique basket to comply to everyone's love of giving something extra special to all of the people we care about. I've had fun designing & creating for this Valentine's Day. And as always - I have learned a few more technological things to make my currently local business grow. :) Now I can't help but cross my fingers to see some more results of my fruit of this labor to hopefully grow as I know and wish it will by me learning to speak out more. I would be honored if you let me share my service & love of gift baskets with you. |
Janet Burrup SpencerHere's a brief glimpse into who I am: I'm actively a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I like to organize, decorate, and create things. I grew up in Maryland and moved to Idaho to attend Ricks College, met my husband, and am happily a wife and mother of six children and 4 grandchildren living in Rexburg, Idaho Categories
September 2017